At Pertemps,
The average salary for:

Postal Delivery Driver
in Wales is

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A Postal Delivery Driver is responsible for transporting and delivering mail and parcels to designated addresses efficiently and accurately. This role involves driving a postal vehicle, ensuring the secure and timely delivery of postal items within a designated route.


There are no formal academic entry requirements. Entrants complete short induction courses followed by a programme of Off and on-the-job training.


  • Safely operate a postal delivery vehicle in adherence to traffic rules and regulations..
  • Perform routine vehicle checks to ensure roadworthiness..
  • Assist in sorting and organizing mail and parcels based on delivery routes..
  • Load and organize items in the delivery vehicle for efficient delivery..
  • Complete scheduled delivery rounds within established timeframes..
  • Prioritize deliveries based on urgency and customer requirements..
  • Obtain signatures and provide proof of delivery for items requiring confirmation..
  • Follow specified procedures for recorded or special delivery services..
  • Interact with customers in a professional and courteous manner during deliveries..
  • Provide assistance or information regarding postal services when needed..
  • Verify and update address details as needed, notifying the postal service of any discrepancies..
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues to ensure accurate address information..
  • Collect mail and parcels from designated collection points as required..
  • Handle customer inquiries regarding collections and postal services..
  • Adhere to postal regulations and guidelines, including those related to vehicle operation and safety..
  • Report any vehicle issues or incidents promptly..

Salaries from this search have been calculated using current and historical roles, which have been advertised with Pertemps in the last 2 years. Data is updated in real time as jobs are posted, and the search results calculate averages of all job posts that fit the role category.

Salary comparison results are intended as a rough guide only. Actual salaries may vary based on qualifications, experience, location and company type. Salary figures do not include bonuses or benefits.

We do not collect your salary information, this is only used for the page to provide you with enhanced information. Weekly pay is calculated by dividing the annual salary by 48 working weeks.

Man working in a branch


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